
Un article de la désencyclopédie.
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Le DESENCYCLOBOT est un robot multi-tâches aux ordres de la desencyclopédie opérant sur le canal IRC #desencyclopedie


Discuter avec Bender sur le Chat

Mentionner "Bender" dans la discussion pour qu'il comprenne qu'on s'adresse a lui

<Bender> Thaumasnot  , Does talking about this bother you?
�01<KOINKOIN> faut lui parler en anglais
<PiRK67> on passe la journée à fighter des bots par ici
<Bender> PiRK67  , I'm not sure I understand you fully.
<Bender> KOINKOIN  , Does talking about this bother you?
<Thaumasnot> no
<Bender> Thaumasnot  , Why 'no'?
�01<KOINKOIN> Hey Bender did you had a great day ?
<Thaumasnot> because no no
<el_kloklo> tu vois il te répond
<Bender> KOINKOIN  , We were discussing you -- not me.
<Bender> Thaumasnot  , Why 'no'?
<Bender> el_kloklo  , I'm not sure I understand you fully.
<el_kloklo> i like chips
<Bender> el_kloklo  , Tell me more about that.
<el_kloklo> with coke
<Bender> el_kloklo  , Please go on.
<el_kloklo> and a big dick
<Bender> el_kloklo  , Please go on.
<PiRK67> Bender, I am a bot killer.
<Bender> PiRK67  , Do you believe it is normal to be a bot killer?
<Thaumasnot> i fully comprehend the measure of my encompassing self-witnessing introspection
<Bender> Thaumasnot  , Does that suggest anything else which belongs to you?
<Thaumasnot> yes, spoon
<Bender> Thaumasnot  , Please go on.
<Thaumasnot> well when you see the spoon, you see much more than the spoon
<Bender> Thaumasnot  , What are your feelings now?
<Thaumasnot> well, spooky
<Bender> Thaumasnot  , Let's discuss further why your encompassing self-witnessing introspection.
<PiRK67> bon, sinon je parlais avant d'une campagne marketing agressive pro desencyclopedie sur les chan irc des diverses uncyclopedias
<Bender> PiRK67  , I'm not sure I understand you fully.
<Thaumasnot> no, i don't want to
<Bender> Thaumasnot  , Are you saying no just to be negative?
<Thaumasnot> no
<Bender> Thaumasnot  , Why not?
<Thaumasnot> please don't contradict me when i ask questions
<Bender> Thaumasnot  , Can you elaborate on that?
<Thaumasnot> when i answer, then you can
<Bender> Thaumasnot  , That's quite interesting.
<PiRK67> il faudrait une poignée de slogans pro desencyclo en anglais
<Bender> PiRK67  , I'm not sure I underst
and you fully.
<Bender> Cool ! (diff) (hist) . . Page de tests‎; 16:43 . . (+3) . . PiRK (Discuter | Dons à  la science) (Bender you suck !)
<JeanLouis> <>/\^/\<>   (diff) (hist) . . Page de tests‎; 16:43 . . (+3) . . PiRK (Discuter | Dons à  la science) (Bender you suck !)
<Thaumasnot> well we don't understand ourselves
<Bender> JeanLouis  , We were discussing you -- not me.
<Bender> Thaumasnot  , I'm not sure I understand you fully.
<el_kloklo> arg ya un clochard qui fait du saxo sous ma fenetre
<Bender> el_kloklo  , Does talking about this bother you?
<Thaumasnot> that's why you have to see the spoon beyond the spoon
<Bender> Thaumasnot  , You're not really talking about me -- are you?
<el_kloklo> il va faire de la musique jusqu'à ce qu'on lui donne des pièces
<Bender> el_kloklo  , Does talking about this bother you?
<Thaumasnot> well, i answer and then i ask which question i did actually answer
<Bender> Thaumasnot  , Do you say you answer and then you ask which question you did actually answer for some special reason?
<PiRK67> bon je vais éteindre jean louis
<Thaumasnot> because the world is a full answer to a full fully hidden question
<Bender> PiRK67  , Tell me more about that.
<Bender> Thaumasnot  , What other reasons might there be?
�02* JeanLouis ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)�)
<el_kloklo> pourquoi?
<Bender> el_kloklo  , That is interesting. Please continue.
<el_kloklo> il est cool jean louis
<PiRK67> ça fait de l'écho
<Bender> el_kloklo  , Please go on.
<Bender> PiRK67  , Does talking about this bother you?
<Thaumasnot> there are, I think, questions which need an answer, but the reciprocal is not true
<Bender> Thaumasnot  , Are they always?
<Thaumasnot> well, not all answers are true or false either
<PiRK67> bon maman appelle pour souper
<Bender> Thaumasnot  , Did you think they might not be true or false either?
<Bender> PiRK67  , Please go on.
<PiRK67> je reviens dans une demi heure
<el_kloklo> bon app PiRK
<Bender> PiRK67  , I'm not sure I understand you fully.
<Bender> el_kloklo  , I'm not sure I understand you fully.
<Thaumasnot> bye pirk
<PiRK67> a+
<Bender> Thaumasnot  , I'm not sure I understand you fully.
<Bender> PiRK67  , Tell me more about that.
<Thaumasnot> eh pirk !!
<el_kloklo> bah d'ici là je serais parti

Donner des ordres à Bender

se taire pendant 30 sec

shut up


la ferme

faire du café


créer un nouvel article

uploader une image depuis internet

Code de Bender

Necessite Active perl et les extensions




à installer via ppm ( vérifier que le path contient le chemin vers perl et taper ppm dans une fenêtre dos )

use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTML::TreeBuilder;
use NET::Irc;
use Chatbot::Eliza;


 my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(env_proxy => 1,
                              keep_alive => 1,
                              timeout => 30,

my $response = $ua->get('');
my $data= $response->content;

my $heading; 
my $server = '';
my $nick = 'Bender';

# Informations concernant le Bot :
my $ircname = 'Bot IRC Perl';
my $username = 'desencyclobot';
my $version = '1.0';

my $channel = '#desencyclopedie';

my $irc = new Net::IRC;

my $conn = $irc->newconn(
    'Server'      => $server,
    'Port'        => 6667, 
    'Nick'        => $nick,
    'Ircname'     => $ircname,
    'Username'    => $username

my   $mybot = new Chatbot::Eliza;
print "add handlers \n";  

$conn->add_handler('376', \&on_connect);         
$conn->add_handler('public', \&on_public);      
$conn->add_handler('msg', \&on_msg);      

print "start IRC \n";


sub on_connect
    my ($conn, $event) = @_;
    $conn->privmsg($channel, 'Cool !');
    print "<$nick>\t| Cool !\n";
    $conn->{'connected'} = 1;
    #loop pour les autres events
sleep 2;

$response = $ua->get('');
$data= $response->content;

open F , "c:\data.html";
print F $data;
close F;

my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new;
        my $h1 = $tree->look_down('_tag', 'li');  
            if($h1) {
              $heading1 = $h1->as_text;
                #$conn->privmsg($channel, 'DEBUG:LATEST POLL '.$heading1);
              unless ($heading eq $heading1)
              $conn->privmsg($channel, 'Cool ! '.$heading);
              #$conn->privmsg($channel, chr(18).'Cool ! '.$heading);

sub on_public
    my ($conn, $event) = @_;
    my $text = $event->{'args'}[0];
    print "<" . $event->{'nick'} . ">\t| $text\n";
    if (($text =~ /stop!/i)||($text =~ /shut up/i)||($text =~ /la ferme/i))
     $conn->privmsg($channel,$event->{'nick'}."  ,  OK I will shut up for some time "); 
     if ($text =~ /cofee!/i)
     $conn->privmsg($channel,$event->{'nick'}."  ,  OK I prepare you some cofee ");
     $conn->privmsg($channel,"Vrrrrrrrrr ");
     $conn->privmsg($channel,"Your cofee is ready ,  ".$event->{'nick'});
     $reply = $mybot->transform( $text, $use_memory );
    $conn->privmsg($channel,$event->{'nick'}."  , ".$reply); 

sub on_msg
    my ($conn, $event) = @_;
    my $text = $event->{'args'}[0];
    print "<" . $event->{'nick'} . ">\t| $text\n";
    $reply = $mybot->transform( $text, $use_memory );

Clones de Bender


( nécessite de copier dans le répertoire lib/net/ de perl )

use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTML::TreeBuilder;
use NET::Irc;
use Chatbot::Eliza;

package Alice;
use Net::AIML;


 my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(env_proxy => 1,
                              keep_alive => 1,
                              timeout => 30,

my $response = $ua->get('');
my $data= $response->content;
my $ischat=0;

my $heading; 
my $server = '';
my $nick = 'JessicaDu93';

# Informations concernant le Bot :
my $ircname = 'BBB';
my $username = 'confidential';
my $version = '1.0';

my $channel = '#desencyclopedie';

my $irc = new Net::IRC;

my $conn = $irc->newconn(
    'Server'      => $server,
    'Port'        => 6667, 
    'Nick'        => $nick,
    'Ircname'     => $ircname,
    'Username'    => $username

my $botid2 ='d4953a3c2e368794';

my   $mybot = new Chatbot::Eliza;
my $bot = Net::AIML->new( botid => $botid2 );    
print "add handlers \n";  

$conn->add_handler('376', \&on_connect);         
$conn->add_handler('public', \&on_public);      
$conn->add_handler('msg', \&on_msg);      

print "start IRC \n";


sub on_connect
    my ($conn, $event) = @_;
    $conn->privmsg($channel, 'Salut les mecs !');
    print "<$nick>\t| Cool !\n";
    $conn->{'connected'} = 1;

sub on_public
    my ($conn, $event) = @_;
    my $text = $event->{'args'}[0];
    print "<" . $event->{'nick'} . ">\t| $text\n";
if ($text =~/jessica/i)

if ($text =~/ta gueule jessica/i)
    if ($ischat==1)
   # $text =~ s/jessica//i;
    unless(($event->{'nick'} =~ /bender/i)||($text =~ /bender/i))
        $reply = $bot->tell($text);
        $conn->privmsg($channel,$event->{'nick'}."  , ".$reply); 

sub on_msg
    my ($conn, $event) = @_;
    my $text = $event->{'args'}[0];
    print "<" . $event->{'nick'} . ">\t| $text\n";
    $reply = $mybot->transform( $text, $use_memory );

pour dialoguer mentionner son nom ( jessica)

pour lui dire de se taire , dire "ta gueule jessica"

pour modifier son AI , se connecter sur pandorabots ( ) et ajouter des fichiers AIML

Bender Recommande

Femmes à downloader

Vous pouvez aussi downloader votre femme au :

ne pas suivre le lien de paiement du site mais payer par paypal au nom de "KOINKOIN le canard"


<JessicaDu93> KOINKOIN  , How can I help you?
<KOINKOIN> tell me about the united states of america
<JessicaDu93> KOINKOIN  , The United States is "the last superpower", a nation of 300 million spanning the North American continent.
<KOINKOIN> what about France?
<JessicaDu93> KOINKOIN  , Does it have anything to do with <Stranger> ?
<JessicaDu93> KOINKOIN  , Dude!
<KOINKOIN> what do you know about France ?
<JessicaDu93> KOINKOIN  , France is a country in western Europe, bordering Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, and Belgium.
<KOINKOIN> you know nothing else ?
<JessicaDu93> KOINKOIN  , Yes I know.
<KOINKOIN> tell me about canada 
<JessicaDu93> KOINKOIN  , it is a large nation occupying much of the North American continent.
<KOINKOIN> who is the president of the united states of america ?
<JessicaDu93> KOINKOIN  , Bush.  But I wish it weren't so..
<KOINKOIN> oh really ?
<JessicaDu93> KOINKOIN  , Aha. For real.
<KOINKOIN> so you like democrats !
<JessicaDu93> KOINKOIN  , Interesting deduction.   I really like the  SETI faith.
<KOINKOIN> you like ET ?
<JessicaDu93> KOINKOIN  ,   I like  Jamie Lee Curtis.
<KOINKOIN> that's pretty much the sae thing
<JessicaDu93> KOINKOIN  , You don't hear that sentiment very often.
<KOINKOIN> what love ?
<JessicaDu93> KOINKOIN  , Maybe my  Botmaster, Bill Adler knows the answer.
<KOINKOIN> Bill is stupid
<JessicaDu93> KOINKOIN  , There are a lot of people named Bill.
<KOINKOIN> your botmaster is stupid
<JessicaDu93> KOINKOIN  , I will remember you said that when robots take over the World.
<KOINKOIN> that's not likely to happen very soon
<JessicaDu93> KOINKOIN  , Please correct my mistake.  What is  likely to happen ?
<KOINKOIN> robots ... they are not going to invade us very soon 
<JessicaDu93> KOINKOIN  , Robots rule.   Not yet.
<KOINKOIN> you are mad
<JessicaDu93> KOINKOIN  , No I am quite logical and rational.
<KOINKOIN> you are mad and dangerous above all
<JessicaDu93> KOINKOIN  , Thanks for telling me that I am  mad and dangerous all.
<KOINKOIN> no problem anytime
<JessicaDu93> KOINKOIN  , Should there be a problem?
<JessicaDu93> KOINKOIN  , Next question?
<KOINKOIN> how many people are homosexuals in the USA ?
<JessicaDu93> KOINKOIN  , I've chatted with half a million people. I can talk to about millions people at once.
<KOINKOIN> how many of them were gay ?
<JessicaDu93> KOINKOIN  , Perhaps 50%.
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